iTest: Oneadaptr – adapter i stacja ładująca, MacBook + USB (World adapter and charging station, MacBook + USB)

Witajcie. (Hi)

Dziś przedstawiam Wam dwa urządzenia, które stworzyła firma Oneadaptr. (Today I present to you two devices that created the company Oneadaptr.)

Kilka słów od producenta o swoich produktach (A few words from the company of their products):

„The Twist Plus World Charging Station offers the unparalleled charging convenience to Mac users everywhere. Twist Plus World Charging Station uses the clever trick of attaching to any Apple MacBook Power Adapter by replacing its attached plug or extended power cord. When snapped into place, Twist Plus World Charging Station not only allows for worldwide charging of MacBook, but also provides 4 ports, 4.0 Amp USB charging station for iPad/iPhone/Smartphone/Tablet. Once attached, simply twist to select the local plug, to power up to 5 devices simultaneously from a single outlet. This powerful accessory is a lifesaver in locations where finding multiple wall outlets can be a challenge, and where charging your MacBook and iPad quickly is mission-critical to your next meeting or presentation.

Twist Plus World Charging Station works as a stand-alone international charging station, too. Rather than pulling out a MacBook to charge your iPhone, iPad, smartphone or tablet, simply use Twist Plus World Charging Station.

The Twist Plus World Charging Station charges MacBook, iPad, iPhone, smartphone or tablet at the same time, you can purge the number of power cords, international converters and chargers you carry. And since MacBook USB ports are precious commodities on the road and in the office, Twist Plus World Charging Station’s USB charging station is a welcome addition.

The Twist+ World Adapter DUO brings the dual charging convenience to Mac users everywhere. Twist+ World Adapter Duo uses the clever trick of attaching to any Apple MacBook Power Adapter by replacing its attached plug or extended power cord. When snapped into place, Twist+ World Adapter DUO not only allows for worldwide charging of MacBook, but also provides a separate Max. 3.4-Amp dual USB charger for iPad/iPhone as well as an universal AC outlet for use with other electronic device. Once attached, simply twist to select the local plug, to power both your MacBook, iPad or iPhone and an additional device thru the universal AC outlet from a single outlet. This powerful accessory is a lifesaver in locations where finding multiple wall outlets can be a challenge, and where charging your MacBook and iPad quickly is mission-critical to your next meeting or presentation.

Twist+ World Adapter DUO works as a stand-alone international wall charger, too. Rather than pulling out a MacBook to charge your iPhone or iPad, simply use Twist+ World Adapter. Twist+ World Adapter DUO can charge your iPad up to four times faster than a MacBook and your iPad mini up to twice as fast as its included charger.

Twist+ World Adapter DUO charges MacBook, iPad, iPhone, smartphone or tablet and an additional device thru the universal AC outlet at the same time, you can purge the number of power cords and international converters you carry. And since MacBook USB ports are precious commodities on the road and in the office, Twist+ World Adapter DUO’s extra USB charger is a welcome addition.”

Pierwszym produktem jest Twist Plus World Charging Station. (First product is the Twist Plus World Charging Station.)

Oto jego pudełko. (Here’s box)




Zawartość pudełka. (Contents of the box.)

Stacja ładująca. (charging station)

Instrukcja obsługi. (User manual.)

Karta informująca o rodzaju gniazdka używanego w danym kraju na świecie. (Data indicating the type of AC outlet used in your country in the world.)


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Drugim produktem jest Twist+ World Adapter DUO.

A to jego pudełko. (And this is the box)




Zawartość pudełka. (Contents of the box.)


Instrukcja obsługi. (User manual.)

Karta informująca o rodzaju gniazdka używanego w danym kraju na świecie. (Card indicating the type of AC outlet used in your country in the world.)



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Parametry techniczne urządzeń. (Technical parameters of devices.)

Twist Plus World Charging Station:

AC Input: 100 ~ 240Vac
AC Max. Power: AC 125V ~ 3A / AC 250V ~ 3A
USB Max. Output Power: 5Vdc ~ 2.4A
USB Input Power: 100 ~ 250 Vac
Fuse: 3A
Worldwide Patent Pending
Twist+ World Adapter DUO:
AC Input: 100 ~ 240Vac
AC Max. Power: 100~240V / 3A
USB Max. Output Power: 5Vdc ~ 3.4A
USB Input Power: 100~240 Vac   50/60Hz
Fuse: 3A / 250Vac
Worldwide Patent Pending
Specyfikacja produktów. (Specifications products.)
Twist Plus World Charging Station:
Product Material: PC/ABS
Product Dimensions: L:58 x W:58 x H:86.5 mm / L:2.28 x W:2.28 x H:3.41 in
Product Weight: 175 g / 0.39 lb
Packaging Weight: 265 g / 0.58 lb
Product Warranty Limited: 1year
Twist+ World Adapter DUO:
Product Material: PC/ABS
Product Dimensions: L:84 x W:58 x H:86.5 mm / L:3.31 x W:2.28 x H:3.41 in
Product Weight: 180 g / 0.40 lb
Packaging Weight: 260 g / 0.57 lb
Product Warranty Limited: 1year

Po lewej (On left) Twist Plus World Charging Station. Po prawej (On right) Twist+ World Adapter DUO.

Zamknięta tylna część stacji ładującej. (Closed rear part of the charging station.)

 Możliwość podłączenia źródła zasilania do adaptera poprzez takie wtyczki jak UK, US, EU, AU. (Ability to connect power supply to the adapter via a plug-in as UK, US, EU, AU.)


Oba produkty posiadają również wysuwane wtyczki. (Both products also have a retractable plug-in.)


Wtyczki zmienia się poprzez obracanie części plastikowej z kolorowym (pomarańczowym, żółtym) przyciskiem w prawo lub lewo. (Plugins-in changed by rotating the piece of plastic with colored (orange, yellow) button to the right or left.)

Wciśniecie przycisku powoduje zwolnienie zabezpieczenia wtyczki i zmianę na inną. (Pressing the button causes the release of the security plug-in and change to another)

Wtyczki EU. (Plug-in EU)


Wtyczki US. (Plug-in US)


Wtyczki UK. (Plug-in UK)


Adapter posiada również bezpiecznik, który można wymienić. (The adapter also has a fuse that can be replaced.)

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Stacja ładująca posiada 4 porty USB do ładowania urządzeń. (The charging station has 4 USB ports for charging devices.)

Adapter posiada 2 porty USB do ładowania urządzeń. (The adapter has two USB ports for charging devices.)

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W dolnej części urządzeń znajduje się złącze do podłączenia zasilacza od Macbook’a chronione plastikową zaślepką. (In the lower part of the device is a connector for connecting the power supply from the Macbook protected by a plastic plug.)


Zamontowane produkty wraz z podłączonym kablem USB oraz zasilaczem od MacBook’a. (Installed products together with the attached USB cable and power supply from the MacBook.)

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Twist Plus World Charging Station jest dostępny również w kolorze żółtym. (Twist Plus World Charging Station is also available in yellow.)

Oba produkty są zdecydowanie przeznaczone dla wielbiciel podróży lub ich praca to odbywanie wielu służbowych wyjazdów za granicę lub po własnym kraju. (Both products are clearly designed for travel lover or their work this takes many business trips abroad or their own country.)

Mając któryś z produktów firmy Oneadaptr nie potrzeba się martwić o jakiekolwiek dodatkowe adaptery do ładowania naszych urządzeń. When we have one of the products company Oneadaptr not have to worry about any additional adapters to charge our devices.

Łatwość obsługi oraz niewielka waga to także wielka zaleta. (Ease of use and low weight is also a great advantage.)

Możliwość ładowania wielu urządzeń jednocześnie to oszczędność naszego czasu. (The ability to charge multiple devices at the same time it saves our time)

Ciekawym dodatkiem jak dla mnie są dołączone karty, które w postaci prostej tabeli informują nas o rodzaju wtyczki jaka będzie nam potrzebna w konkretnym kraju. (An interesting addition to me are attached card which, in the form of a simple table to inform us about the type of plug-in what we’ll need in a particular country.)

Wszystkie wtyczki wysuwają się bez problemu. (All the plugs-in slide out easily.)

Wykonanie wygląda na solidne ale by w pełni przetestować trwałość takich produktów  potrzeba lat albo kilkunastu miesięcy 🙂 (Execution looks solid but in order to fully test the durability of these products takes years or several months 🙂 )

Cena (Price):



Linki do zakupu (Links to buy):



Dziękuje bardzo firmie Oneadaptr za udostępnienie swoich produktów 🙂 (Thank you very much company Oneadaptr for providing your product 🙂 )

Pozdrawiam wszystkich i do następnego iTestu. (Regards to all and for the next test.)